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Working near our pipelines


Remember, any of the following activities require written consent from TC Energy. Failure to obtain written consent can result in serious consequences.

  • any ground disturbance within 30 metres of the centerline of the pipe;
  • construction of a facility on a pipeline right-of-way;
  • or vehicle or mobile equipment crossing the pipeline right-of-way.

If your project goes ahead without proper approval from the pipeline operator, you are at risk of damaging the pipeline, creating an unsafe situation, and possible fines and penalties from regulators.

Why take the risk?

To help you in your planning, 无论是在与管道运营商联系之前,还是在与管道代表合作时, we have some useful guidelines for Development near our pipelines and facilities.

English  |   French

Start with a local request

每个省都有一项服务,可以帮助确定地下公用设施的大致位置和深度. 定位请求必须在工作开始前至少三个工作日(安大略省为五个工作日)提出. Visit ClickBeforeYouDig.com to learn more and find your local One-Call Centre.

Once you've made a request, 一个电话呼叫中心将通知TC能源派代表在设施上打上旗子, paint or other markings. TC能源代表将解释这些标记的重要性,并向您提供一份定位报告副本.

The service is free and could prevent accidents, injuries or deaths.

Major developments on or near pipeline facilities

Larger projects can require more than three days notice to gain approval.

It is important for municipal authorities, 发展商及土地拥有人应在路权或路权附近的发展项目规划阶段,尽早向TC能源咨询.

这将使TC能源有足够的时间来确保管道和设施适当地纳入计划,并确保我们设施附近的任何新开发都符合法规和TC能源的要求. 我们参与规划可以利用我们之前与开发商和市政当局合作的成功经验,帮助避免延误和节省成本.

A pipeline representative must be present before beginning work on the right-of-way


Life-saving information